• "Five Courses" and "Program of International Studies in Liberal Arts"

"Five Courses" and "Program of International Studies in Liberal Arts"

Regional Policy Department

Industry/Urban Development Course

For an understanding of a regional economy, it is necessary to comprehend the status of industries and the economics of the region. It is also essential to know well the economic trends and systems in the specific country, and the world. This course constitutes the educational contents to deepen understanding of industrial structures and economic systems, conduct fieldwork as needed, and acquire professional expertise to possess the basis for formulating policies, while remaining focused on both the region and the world.

Local Governance Policy Course

In the age of authority decentralization, diverse challenges in regional planning have arisen. Having professional expertise in only a single area is not sufficient to address these challenges. This course incorporates various fields that are fundamental for solving problems, such as public administration, public finance, and law, while maintaining a favorable balance among subjects. We aim to develop human resources who have learned corrective measures for newly-arising regional problems and become actively engaged in resolving them, such as by public participation and collaboration with not-for-profit organizations.

Environmental Policy Course

This course systematically arranges educational content to develop basic academic abilities in science such as physics, chemistry, biology, and urban architecture. By means of mathematical considerations, field investigations, experimentation with physics, chemistry, and computer simulations, students gain in-depth understanding of the principles and laws of nature, natural and global environments, daily living and urban environments. Our goal is to develop human resources who can apply scientific knowledge and technologies to impact environmental policies.

Program of International Studies in Liberal Arts

The present generation must find a path to follow within the great wave of globalization. To do so, we need to gain an in-depth understanding of the community in which we live, and of different cultures based upon a wide spectrum of knowledge. This program constitutes the educational content to develop human resources who can successfully work in both the local community and international society, through a year-long program of studying abroad.

Q&A for the Program of International Studies in Liberal Arts

Frequently asked questions and answers regarding the Program of International Studies in Liberal Arts
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Regional Culture Department

Life and Society Course

In order to uncover problems with regard to a current situation and further the development of a regional society experiencing great change, a deep understanding is required of the actual living conditions of the inhabitants. This course constitutes educational content to communicate with local residents through social investigations and practicum, while learning expert knowledge such as sociology, anthropology, and history. We intend to develop leaders with the ability to craft present and future communities.

Humanity and Culture Course

Each regional community passes down a unique culture to later generations who continue its development. At the same time, such communities potentially could generate additional vitality through enthusiastic interactions with other societies and cultures. Based on this viewpoint, the Humanity and Culture Course constitutes the educational content to learn various languages, different methods of thinking, and other cultures, with the aim of fostering leaders who are better suited in this age of globalization to work creatively with a regional culture.

Program of International Studies in Liberal Arts

The present generation must find a path to follow within the great wave of globalization. To do so, we need to gain an in-depth understanding of the community in which we live, and of different cultures based upon a wide spectrum of knowledge. This program constitutes the educational content to develop human resources who can successfully work in both the local community and international society, through a year-long program of studying abroad.

Q&A for the Program of International Studies in Liberal Arts

Frequently asked questions and answers regarding the Program of International Studies in Liberal Arts
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